How to Track Phone Number Location by link ?

There is no way to track any phone number location without app installation except location link. Without their permission no one can track but link can do easy this work.

Number of reason we need to track phone number of our loved ones but there is no direct way. Because of security and privacy no network providers offers this option. Some spy and parental apps available on Internet but they require one time installation.

Suppose phone is lost and no tracking apps installed in that phone like google find my device or don't have access to target phone. At this point location tracking link will help you in tracking location of phone in google maps.

The method is completely safe and 100% accuracy provides because it takes location of phone gps so there is no way of in-accurate location

How to Track Phone Number Location by link ?

First you need to generate location tracking link. Number of sites offers but is very cheap and provides more details as compare to others like location in maps, internet service provider name, state, city, address, user agent, browser name , os name and many more.

I am taking for generate location tracking link.

  1. Visit url in any browser.
  2. Select country code and enter phone number. Click on "Get Geolocation" button.
  3. Final confirmation page will open. Enter email address where you will notify on link click.
  4. Read terms and conditions carefully and Select payment method as paypal
  5. Complete the little service charge payment and your phone number location tracking link will be generated
  6. There is two link will show. One is shareable link and another is statistics link don't share this one.
  7. Share the share link with target phone. You can send via sms/whatsapp or any other mode by adding like birthday gift etc.
  8. Whey they clicks on tracking link. There location will be saved on server which you can view data by statistics link. Also you will notify by email everytime when links clicked

You can use one link multiple times so you can track unlimited phone numbers from that same link.